Solfec-2.0 update 0

Just a little note to say that work on Solfec-2.0 is underway:) Currently the code cannot do much: I am ironing out a basic parallel data layout. I am using a simple global array based approach, utilising MPI-3.0 RDMA (remote direct memory access). It’s based on the implementation suggested in the book “Using Advanced MPI”. The current version of the array code is here: ga.hpp and ga.cpp. The way the arrays are used to store computational data can be viewed in compute.hpp. Since the arrays are of fixed size – there is a little bit of book keeping that needs to be implemented – in order to allow for arbitrary sequences of insertions and deletions of computational data. This is the aspect of the code, which I am currently implementing and smoothing out. Only MPI rank-0 process is interpreting the input Python file – the remaining processes join in during the computation loop – which can be invoked multiple times from the input file – with insertions and deletions of computational data in between. (…)

So the basic idea is to use the global arrays as the sole mechanism of distributed memory access (with exceptions – e.g. when using linear solvers). And then locally, on each MPI rank, use tasks that pull data from arrays and compute what needed using SIMD-accelerated kernels. I am using cpp-taskflow and ISPC as the supporting tools for these aspects. The results will also be stored back into the arrays in a concurrent way. And I will try to use a single-task graph to represent the entire computational step. So the computational loop will simply invoke this task graph multiple times:) Initially, I am intending to transfer Solfec-1.0’s functionality into this framework: copy the existing finite elements and other aspects of the code, while readjusting them for SIMD parallelism. Only after this basic functionality is transferred and sufficiently tested, I will begin to look into updating the FE technology itself. That’s the overall idea a this moment:)


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