
Routines listed in this section control fragmentation of bodies.


This routine splits a meshed BODY object along a surface aligned with internal element boundaries. It can be invoked from within a callback function – see the CALLBACK command – and hence “RT” stands for “runtime”.

(body2, lst1, lst2) = RT_SPLIT (body1, surf | sid1, sid2, label1, label2) (Experimental)

  • body2 – created BODY object or None if the split does not create another body

  • lst1, lst2 – lists mapping original mesh node numbers to new mesh node numbers in body1 and body2. Only lst1 is valid in case of a split which does not create two separate bodies – in this case lst2 = None

  • body1 – a MESH based BODY which is split

  • surf – surface definition of the split plane on body1: a list of lists of face nodes [[n0, n1, n2], [n3, n4, n5, n6], …] defining the splitting surface (zero based indexing)

  • sid1 – optional identifier for the newly created surface on body1; default: 0

  • sid2 – optional identifier for the newly created surface on body2; default: 0

  • label1 – optional label of body1; default: None (split in two bodies) or no change (a partial split of body1)

  • label2 – optional label of body2; default: None


  1. surf normals are calculated so that the face nodes are counter clockwise oriented when looking from the positive normal direction.

  2. body2 is on the positive side of surf, i.e. the normals of surf points towards the newly created body.

  3. ID of body1 changes every time a split happens (even if body2 is None).

  4. All constraints attached to body1 are deleted during splitting.

  5. All forces applied to body1 are deleted during splitting.

  6. RT_SPLIT terminates with an error message in case none or more then two mesh fragments were created.